Thursday, September 16, 2010

Entering the blog world...

So Steve and I decided to join the blogging world.  We figured that everyone is in great anticipation to know all about our adventures here in DC and so we didn't want you all to to suffer anymore :)  Steve and I have settled into our apartment and are enjoying Alexandria so far.  However, we are still awaiting the most important part of our apartment (according to me) the bed.  We have been spending a month of our precious evenings that are reserved for blissful sleep on a lovely air mattress.  Which was lovely for the first couple of days but has lost its loveliness in my eyes.  Steve knows how crazy I am going without having slept in a real bed for a month now.  I am forgetting what it is like to sleep on a wonderful and comfy mattress.  Oh the days of sleeping in a bed.... just a few more days till we can experience it again!  :)

Well Steve started law school three weeks ago and is loving it!  He was pleasantly surprised to find that he really enjoys his classes and all the material they are brainwashing, I mean teaching him, j/k.  He has been keeping busy with his case briefs and I have been keeping busy catching up on TV shows while doing some job searching here and there. :)  I have been applying to all sorts of jobs and am hoping to soon hear back from some of them.  We have really enjoyed Virginia so far and are excited about all of the adventures that we will have here on the east coast and sharing them with all of you!  All of our friends and family are in our prayers and in our thoughts.  We hope to keep in contact with and hear from many of you on our blog.  We love you all!!


  1. It was so fun to see you at TOFW and catch up on things. So glad you and Steve are happy in Virginia. I wish only the best for you. PS. Very nice blog!

  2. I love your blog! And I love to know how you're doing!

    Phillip left on Tuesday of last week for his mission. He is in the Provo MTC right now, awaiting his visa, then he will go to Brazil. Bradford moved out a couple of weeks ago and is going to Tufts for graduate work. So our house is pretty quiet, with only Julia at home. I'll look forward to more blog postings!

  3. YAY!! Welcome to the blog-O-sphere!! Can't wait to see some pics . . . I know, I know, camera complications. Just when you get to it ;)

  4. Wahoo, welcome to the blog world. I can't wait to see how you guys are doing! We missesd you at Andrea's bridal shower, and hope to see at least one of you at the wedding.

  5. Hi Kids, time to update the blog! And post pictures please!
